
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Thursday, April 22, 2004

Korean War pictures in Ohmynews continues

Two new series of pictures excavated from the files of NARA, National Archives and Records Administration have appeared in Ohmynews. I shall thread the path I've chosen and link the picture series and some pictures as well.

Korean War in photographs series page

Part 24: lines of refugees

▲ 1950. 7. 27. 맨발의 한 소년이 지게에다 피난봇짐을 잔뜩 지고 있지만 표정이 매우 맑다. ⓒ2004 NARA

People on refuge again after the spring attack of the Chinese troops ▲ 1951. 4. 23. 중공군 춘계대공세로 다시 피난길에 오른 사람들. ⓒ2004 NARA

Part 25: Youths going to the front

Chige troops ▲ 1951. 5. 20. 지게부대. ⓒ2004 NARA This reminds me of the quite famous photo of the two US troops trodding in the mud, both carrying a chige instead of the regular equipment.

The meeting of brothers on refuge ▲ 1951. 9. 11. 피난길에 만난 형과 아우. ⓒ2004 NARA

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